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I was born in Torino (IT) in 1994, where I started dancing at the age of  4 and never stopped.

Since 2018, I live in Heidelberg as a freelance dancer, choreographer, and dance and yoga teacher.


I studied at and graduated in 2017 from the Amsterdam University of the Arts, where I danced in pieces from Igor&Moreno, Loic Perela, Liat Waysbort & Grainne Delaney, Cecilia Moisio, Nadia Bekker, Lester Arias Vicuña, Heidi Veirthaler, and Giulio D’Anna.


I have been a member of the Dutch company "DE STILTE” for two years (2016-2018), and after that, I started my freelancing career in Germany.

I worked in a few different cities around the country, always keeping my base in the Rhein-Neckar region, having the chance to collaborate with choreographers such as:

Maura Morales, Paolo Fossa, Minka Marie Heiss, Martina la Bonté, Fabian Cohn, Domenico Strazzeri, Amelia Eisen, Jonas Frey, Miriam Markl, Julie Pecard, Lorenzo Ponteprimo, and Darja Reznikova.


In 2021 I also participated in the founding of FLUX e.V., an association that aims to bring visibility to the freelance dance scene in the Rhein-Neckar region. 

In 2022 I participated in ATALANTAS, a dance project produced between Montpellier (FR) and Mannheim (DE) by Compagnie Didier Theron and EinTanzHaus.


In 2018 I started my path as a contemporary dance teacher, specializing in floorwork for amateurs. In 2019 I concluded my Yoga Teacher Training certified by YogaAlliance in Rishikesh (IN) and started teaching yoga as soon as I came back.


In 2020 I started creating my firsts own work, especially in the form of short solos for myself or other professionals, as stage performances or videos, working on expanding my contribution to this side of the dance art world.

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